Our Events

Recent Happenings

The Picnic was held at the Heart Lake Conservation Area Brampton Ontario under a very pleasant and sunny weather with cool breeze. Up to about 100 people including children, youth and adults belonging to village Kahma attended the festivities.

The purpose of this event is to stay in touch with each other and share stories, new and old, about the village. Above all, the prime object is to have fun, play games, share jokes, eat lavishly and get away from the daily busy life with its problems. At this occasion, S. Satnam Singh Kahma from India and S. Resham Singh Dulku from New York came especially to attend the event at our request. S. Satnam Singh was honoured for his services towards the village and Resham Singh for gracing the occasion with his presence.

We, the residents of Kahma in the Greater Toronto Area, are very proud that we have been able to hold the annual picnic since 1974 simply by virtue of maintaining unity, respect and love for each other. This spirit culminates into achieving great goals for showcasing our village. We request all our NRI brothers and sisters around the world to stay connected so that we can assist our village friends whom we have left behind in whatever way we can.

Some attached photographs of the function indicate that we certainly have achieved that object.

Photos By: Sarpal Singh

Other Events

Annual picnic in summer


We very proudly share our ideas, thoughts about our village and news arriving from the village. This also gives us an opportunity of having fun by taking a break from the daily busy and hectic Canadian life.


p41The annual picnic is our main event which helps us keep connected.

Our tradition is that we invite all who were born in Kahma including the daughters of Kahma along with their families. Some glimpses of the picnics and casual meetings can be seen in the following pictures.


One of the earlier picnic gatherings of Kahma Canadian Association in the mid nineteen seventies.


Occasional get together in winter

This only happens if thesevere winter weather allows us to organize that.