
All members of the Association around the Greater Toronto area rose to the occasion whenever a call for contribution for any project came from the village. From time to time we took pride in contributing with our fare share. In particular, following projects are worth mentioning.

  • Construction of the hospital in Kahma.
  • Construction of building for the State Bank of India branch in Kahma
  • Expansion of School from Primary to High School Status with the help of late Dilbagh Singh M.L.A. and Hardev Singh Kahma.
  • Construction of gymnasium at High School Kahma
  • Construction of a Hall on the second level of Primary School Kahma
  • Individual contributions towards several gurdwaras in Kahma
  • Individual contributions towards Guru Nanak Mission Hospital in Dhahan Kalan. It is worth mentioning that one room is always available for the residents of Kahma.
  • Above all, the Association provided one room in the Credit Valley Hospital Mississauga Ontario Canada which bears a name plate with the following inscription. “Donated by the residents of village Kahma Punjab India”. See attached photo.

Recent Admirable Contributions towards the village

April 2015

Mrs. Gurmej Kaur who made significant contribution towards village Kahma during her teaching career in the village school passed away in January 2014. In her memory the family opened a sewing center at their residence in April 2015. The Center is known as “ShrimatiGurmej Kaur Memorial Silai Center”.

The Center is run under the supervision of Manjit Kaur Bola, the sister of Gurmej Kaur. A batch of thirty five to forty women and girls are getting training from a qualified teacher at one time without any cost to the students. Coaching on embroidery work is also provided to interested students. The Association thanks the family of Mrs. Gurmejkaur for this contribution.

June 2017

In June 2017 another remarkable contribution has been made by the family of S. Ajit Singh SantSipahi to educate and improve the lives of women and young girls of Kahma and the vicinity. The family has been known and recognized by its dedication towards the field of education.

The family has opened a computer center at the village gurdwara with the help of Mrs. Lali Saini wife of Inder Saini (daughter-in-law of Mr. Brij Mohan Singh). The center has seventeen computers, seven of which have been donated by an anonymous humble person and we sincerely appreciate his/her contribution. The center has also engaged an experienced lady instructor. To date, seventy five women and girls have been enrolled in the program which consists of teaching basic computer skills. At completion, they will receive a certificate from Red Cross.

Students from under privileged families and who have lost their fathers will be given free education. The Kahma Canadian Association sincerely thanks S. Sarpal Singh and his family for this wonderful effort. This is really an admirable contribution. We also appreciate the generosity of Gurdwara for providing the facilities for the Center.


Humanitarian Ventures

  • Helping needy people in village Kahma


Significant Contributions of Village Kahma to Society at Large Industry

The factory, most commonly known as Machine Walian Da Karkhana, under the name of Shobha Singh Achhar Singh & Sons was the crown achievement of one family which deserves mention in the history of the village. An unprecedented marvel of engineering in a small village which produced oil engines with a range varying from 2 horsepower to 70 horsepower was nothing less than a miracle. The amazing feature was that the engines were produced from foundry to the finished stage ready to turn them on. This is not to be seen in the most advanced countries even now.


The engines were exported to many provinces of India. The engineering team was led by Kishan Singh Bansal, the third out of nine sons of Achhar Singh. The engines were called Shobha Engines.

In an exhibition in village Naura in 1954, PanditJawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, came and saw the engine and highly appreciated the work and congratulated the manufacturers of this wonderful machine and gave them the award.

On other occasions Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Chief Minister of Punjab Partap Singh Karion also gave them similar recognitions at different times. Unfortunately the factory had been closed for many years.

p25only segment of the factory which remained its essential part all along and is still running is the grain mill (ate di chakki).


First Hospital of Kahma – Hans Raj Government Hospital


The credit for this hospital goes to LalaCharanji Lal who donated his property in the village and provided additional financial help to have this hospital built in the name of his father Hans Raj. The foundation stone was laid on March 01, 1975 by the then Chief Minister of Punjab GianiZail Singh. The opening ceremony was performed on December 19, 1982 by Joginder Pal Pande the then Health Minister of Punjab. In addition to the presence of all residents of Kahma the following dignatories namely, S. Dilbagh Singh M.L.A, Smt. SurajKumariAnsal wife of LalaCharanji Lal, Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal (sons of LalaCharanji Lal) also graced the occasion with their presence.

Thekedar Jagat Singh played a special role of supervising the construction and spent countless hours at the site.
Kahma Canadian Association and Kahma Welfare Committee also played significant roles.
Presently, one M.B.B.S. doctor and a pharmacist along with other support workers are managing the hospital. The medicines are provided by the Kahma Welfare Committee.