About Village

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The Kahma Canadian Association, from now on called the ‘Association’ was formed on March 04, 1979, at the encouragement of Sardar Ajit Singh Thanedar when he visited Canada. His own spirit of love and dedication towards the village was a catalyst which united all of us of village Kahma residing in and around Toronto Canada. No doubt, we all were meeting each other in the past casually but his visit resulted in the formation of the Association.


Mission Statement

The love, passion and the moral duty to contribute to our dear village Kahma where we were born and grown by playing in the little streets of the village and our earnest wish to seek unity amongst the residents we left behind in the village, prompted us to form the Association so that we remain an essential part of Kahma and its development.

Need for the Website

A significant tragedy occurred in the history of Kahma when two sons of the village Kuldip Singh son of Milkha Singh and Sohan Singh son of Banta Singh gave their supreme sacrifice in 1965 War with Pakistan. Later on Chaman lal son of Swarna Ram repeated the act of ultimate sacrifice in Jammu and Kashmir in 1992 while fighting with the extremists. At that time Chaman Lal was in the Border Security Force (B.S.F.). In the memory of these three shaheeds the residents of the village started holding an annual Shaheedi Tournament.
This year, at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the tournament, a proposal from the village was conveyed to the Association to publish a book about the village. An alternative to the book was proposed by our Association in the form of developing a website which is a sign of the time in this electronic age. As our contribution to the event the Association promised to take full responsibility of creating, maintaining and managing the site. All residents of the village will be able to provide input to the site. The village residents accepted our request and gave us the blessings to proceed ahead. Therefore, as obedient sons and daughters of the village we take pride in launching the website at this occasion that will be known as www.kahmapind.com.

This event gave all the residents of Kahma living abroad an opportunity to revisit their dear village and refresh their memories of childhood moments with their buddies. The memory of the above shaheeds also reminded us of our obligation to pay our tribute and respect to our earlier elders who also gave their lives and faced near death moments in the combat war zones in earlier campaigns. During conversations with elders and viewing the billboards in the village the followings deserve an equal credit.
Baba Ram Singh son of Bhulla Singh fought for the British in the First World War in France. In 1914 he was severely injured and suffered gunshot wounds but luckily survived, perhaps to render his further service to the village as Sarpanch from 1964 to 1969.
S. Ujagar Singh son of Baba Ram Singh ex Sarpanch gave his life in the battle of Kashmir in 1949.
S. Karam Singh son of Bannu, husband of Bibi Rajo and father of Chain Singh was also killed in action in the battle of Kashmir in 1949.
S.Jarnail Singh Kandola husband of Bibi Resham Kaur also lost his life in the battle of Kashmir in 1949.



We recognize that a significant amount of information would be missing or at some places even incorrect as it was collected from holding conversations with Kahma residents. The website will be a living document and all residents of Kahma, home and abroad, are requested and encouraged to contribute with worthwhile, credible, respectable and authentic information about Kahma and its residents at the following email address info@kahmapind.ca.


Special Recognitions

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S. Hardev Singh Kahma always played his outstanding role in the development of the village especially the upgrading of the school with financial help and leadership. He has been making significant financial contributions to Village Youth Club and Shaheedi tournaments practically since 1988 and has love and affection of the residents of village.

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Since 1982, Satnam Singh and his team of Village Youth Club have been taking a lead role in organising the annual shaheedi tournament and other tasks of the development of the village. Their contribution is well appreciated.

List of Sarpanches in the Village

  1. 1. Giani Lal Singh (Early 1940’s)
  2. 2. BabuMela Ram (Pre 1948)
  3. 3. S. Banta Singh  son of Wazira Singh (1948 – 1964)
  4. 4. S. Ram Singh son of Bhulla Singh (1964 – 1969)
  5. 5. S. Sawaran Singh son of Achhar Singh (1972 – 1977)
  6. 6. S. Shivdev Singh son of Shiv Singh (1977 – 1982)
  7. 7. S. Joginder Singh son of Chuhar Singh (1982 – 1993)
  8. 8. S. Amrik Singh son of Lal Singh Patwari (1993 – 1997)
  9. 9. Mr. Sunita Devi wife of Kuldip Singh (1998 – June 2003)
  10. 10. S. Piara Singh son of  Kishan Singh June (2003 – May 2008)

Information after 2008 is requested.